Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Conjugate Polar Form of Cauchy-Riemann Equations
D.B. Amuda , O.M. Oni and A.O. Awodugba

Abstract: If we use the form z = (cos + I sin ) and set f(z) = f (rei ) = u(r, ) + iv(r, ), then the Cauuchy-Riemann equations are In this study, we establish the conjugate forms of the above Cauchy-Riemann differential equations in polar coordinate. That is; if we use the conjugate polar form =r (cos + I sin ) and set f( ) = f (re-i ) = u(r, ) + iv(r, - ), then the conjugate polar form Cauuchy-Riemann equations are which is a `reflection` of Cauchy-Riemann Differential Equations in Polar coordinate.

How to cite this article
D.B. Amuda , O.M. Oni and A.O. Awodugba , 2007. Conjugate Polar Form of Cauchy-Riemann Equations . Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 2: 994-997.

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