Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Ovulation Detection Mechanism-A Microcomputer Based Approach
O.K. Ogidan, A.J. Bamisay and O. Adetan

Abstract: This study presents a real-time microcomputer-based logger for measuring Basal Body Temperature (BBT). BBT is the normal resting body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon waking in the morning. The temperature for women normally rises after ovulation due to hormonal changes. The temperature is logged real-time into the computer over a period and the BBT chart produced is used to predict ovulation. There is high correlation between the approach developed by this study and other standard measuring equipments-correlation of 0.9945 with standard thermistor and correlation of 0.9977 with standard thermocouple. This development enables privacy of use allowing women to predict their ovulation status at a personal level.

How to cite this article
O.K. Ogidan, A.J. Bamisay and O. Adetan, 2011. Ovulation Detection Mechanism-A Microcomputer Based Approach. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 261-263.

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