Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Mechanics of the Movement of Grain on a Helical Surface in the Induction Dryer
A.Sh. Dzhamburshyn, A.K. Atyhanov, A.Zh. Sagyndikova and Hristo Beloev

Abstract: The study describes the theory of motion of grain on the helical surface which is the main working body of the high-frequency induction grain drying machine. Derived received the equation for of forming a helical surface of helicoids with a variable steepness, depending on the initial velocity V0 of the falling grain, moisture W in each moment of movement along the curve f(ρ, α) where ρ and α vary depending on the coefficient of dynamic friction as a function of its grain moisture. Researchers used Excel to calculate the value of the function in Excel for a range of input values and here this clearly demonstrates how changing the angle of inclination of the forming helix and its polar radius depending on humidity at the moment when moving on the helical oids surface inside the emitter of microwave drying. On the basis of these provisions, it was made and carried out an experiment on the use of frequency variation for grain drying. The aim of the experiment was to obtain curves of drying grain at varying independent factors. The independent factors taken initial grain moisture content (W, %), the permittivity of the grain, the oscillator frequency (ω, Hz), loss factor. Problems of increasing the efficiency of thermal technology of grain drying is based on the expansion of integrated technological research, the establishment of kinetics of grain drying process, the development of methods for calculating the drying process of grain.

How to cite this article
A.Sh. Dzhamburshyn, A.K. Atyhanov, A.Zh. Sagyndikova and Hristo Beloev, 2015. Mechanics of the Movement of Grain on a Helical Surface in the Induction Dryer. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 10: 744-748.

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