Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Geographical Principles of Cultural Landscapes
Reza Abouei, Mohammad Hasan Talebian and Ali Bamdad

Abstract: Since the human-beings take in communication with interaction into surroundings, landscape is formed. Geographers study cultural landscape in three areas of landscape geography, cultural geography and the ecological geography. Landscape concept by a study titled Geography as the landscape science from Carl Sauer entered the geographical literature and was replaced the environmental determinism. The area of nature and culture is a factor and it performs in the result of these two cultural perspectives, landscapes. After that geographical theories are proposed as space science and chorology. In cultural geography, it will be discussed about Berkeley geography and new cultural geography and radical geography. In ecological geography, it will be studied different view points as a combination science or return to normal Algebra and the study ends to the conclusion that the natural, social, economic phenomena exist together in one place.

How to cite this article
Reza Abouei, Mohammad Hasan Talebian and Ali Bamdad, 2016. Geographical Principles of Cultural Landscapes. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 11: 1280-1287.

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