Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Application and Socialization of Integrated Technology in Cultivating Coconut to Increase the Income of Coconut Farmers Community
La Hamimu, Hasanuddin Bua, La Hatani, Mukhtar , Dasmin Sidu, La Ode Geo, Rizal , Darnawati , Halim Momo, La ode Syukur, Achmad Selamet Aku and Deki Zulkarnain

Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to give application and socialization to coconut farmers community about integrated technology in cultivating coconut products through oven drying copra by sand tank system; this is cultivating technology of high quality of coconut oil and coconut charcoal. Specifically, this study was aimed to implement appropriate technology in cultivating white copra by using fireproof furnace break. Technique of this article using socialization and simulation the application of appropriate technology with target communities was coconut farmer’s community in Pohorua village of Muna Regency which consists of village officers, coconut farmers and house wife. The result of application and socialization of introduction technology appropriate in drying white copra was coconut farmers were easier to understand technology of cultivating white copra by using fireproof furnace break compared to technology appropriate oven drying copra by sand tank system as heat grading because the material were easy to find and can be made by community itself, simple to make and production price was more expensive. Next, socialization of quality coconut oil cultivation technology by fermentation technique was farmer’s community was easy to understand the fermentation process and incubation compared to process of making coconut milk cream because market of production is access table, durable and simpler to make. Introduction of cultivating technology of coconut charcoal by tank technique is proper to be implemented and got positive response from coconut farmers because so far coconut shell was just waste. Result of appropriate technology of drying or cultivating white copra by using furnace break fire prof can increase farmer’s income because the price is more expensive that is IDR 12.000/kg while price of black copra as cultivated by farmer’s community is only IDR 4.500/kg. In addition, conventional drying construction was easy to be bunted because it is made of wooden board and copra produced still smelled of smoke.

How to cite this article
La Hamimu, Hasanuddin Bua, La Hatani, Mukhtar , Dasmin Sidu, La Ode Geo, Rizal , Darnawati , Halim Momo, La ode Syukur, Achmad Selamet Aku and Deki Zulkarnain, 2016. Application and Socialization of Integrated Technology in Cultivating Coconut to Increase the Income of Coconut Farmers Community. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 11: 310-320.

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