Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Studying the Attitude Changing Centralized Todecentralized Educational System on High School (Case Study: Bushehr’s Administrators and Teachers)
Sh. Dehghan Bagh Bardani

Abstract: Ministry of education such as any other organization is a combination of set of people thatare responsible for mutual functions and relationships and work to achieve an objective or a certain common objective. Most of organizations looks at decentralization to achieve greater efficiency and to re-build their organizations.The purpose of this study is to examine administrators and teachers’ attitude of high school in the context of changing educational system from centralized to decentralized system in Bushehr. The general purpose of study is to measure the educational administrator and teachers’ attitude, namely, in general, a range of people involved in training, about management in decentralized style in education structure.

How to cite this article
Sh. Dehghan Bagh Bardani , 2016. Studying the Attitude Changing Centralized Todecentralized Educational System on High School (Case Study: Bushehr’s Administrators and Teachers). Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 11: 423-427.

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