Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Facial Expression Recognition with Emotiv
Carolina Gonzalez, Maria Medina and Dario Amaya

Abstract: The project objective is to distinguish some facial expressions using color “Emotiv EEG neuroheadset” device capable of receiving and controlling the bio-electric activity of the brain through Electro Encephalo Graphy (EEG) and 16 channels with the continued receipt of brainwaves accurately and fast as this device has a friendly and easy to use platform allowing people without any experience manage to handle it. MATLAB platform took it as a system for filtering waves and through serial communication Arduino board which receives each logical data sent by the sensor and is shown by means of leds used. Differentiation of three expressions is obtained: wink, blink and smile each differentiated by different colored led.

How to cite this article
Carolina Gonzalez, Maria Medina and Dario Amaya, 2018. Facial Expression Recognition with Emotiv. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 176-181.

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