Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Traditional Innovative and Technological Means of Assessing the Results of Knowledge
K. Buzaubakova, M. , Abdirassilov, Sh. Bakhtybekova, P. Sagymbekova, K. Konysbekova, A. Damenova, G. Sanay and L. Ilimkhanova

Abstract: The problem of measuring and evaluating learning outcomes is one of the most important in pedagogical theory and practice. The solution of this problem is necessary for assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical innovations and technologies. The complexity of pedagogical phenomena as well as the presence of a large number of factors including random factors that affect the pedagogical process and its results, lead to the fact that the pedagogical process can not be regarded as completely deterministic. With the most perfect organization of the pedagogical process, we can’t unequivocally predict what the results of training will be for each individual student. In connection with this, the modern education system puts forward a demand: each teacher should strive to improve the objectivity of evaluation, use, along with traditional controls and innovative achievements in pedagogical science. The theme of hanging the effectiveness and quality of education and as a consequence of the pedagogical process represents an extensive field for study. This is due to the fact that with the development of human society, the development of all forms of activity.

How to cite this article
K. Buzaubakova, M. , Abdirassilov, Sh. Bakhtybekova, P. Sagymbekova, K. Konysbekova, A. Damenova, G. Sanay and L. Ilimkhanova, 2020. Traditional Innovative and Technological Means of Assessing the Results of Knowledge. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 15: 360-369.

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