Research Journal of Applied Sciences

Rice Irrigation Regimes under the Condition of Kyzylorda Oblast
S. Koshkarov, P. Bulanbayeva and B. Shayanbekova

Abstract: Keeping up 12-15 cm layer of water in a rice draught in the post-tilling to waxen ripeness does not provide a favorable thermal and saline soil and water regimes. Temperature regime of water in a rice draught is determined by climatic conditions of the region and the depth of water on crops. In conditions of extreme continental climate of Syr-Darya water layer at a depth of 12-15 cm in the water warms up the draught 31,0 - 32,5°C which negatively affects the growth and development of rice plants and its yield. Favorable thermal regime of water is observed at a depth of 17-22 cm and here we have the necessary salt regime of irrigated soils. Therefore, maintaining the draught in paddy water layer depth of 17-22 cm provides favorable salt and thermal regimes of water and soil.

How to cite this article
S. Koshkarov, P. Bulanbayeva and B. Shayanbekova, 2020. Rice Irrigation Regimes under the Condition of Kyzylorda Oblast. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 15: 463-470.

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