Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Day Hospitals and Cost of Effective Treatment
H.G. Elaheh , M.S.A. Khosrow and N.M. Reza

Abstract: The duration of unnecessary hospitalization of a patient in hospital not only increases the expenditure of stay in hospital but also decreases the resources available for the patients with critical status and exposes the patients to hospital infections, apart from the mentioned issues, the unacceptable presence of patient in hospital includes several dimensions socially such as inactivation of Labor and the loss caused by it, emotional and mental damages to the family and reduction of output in hospitalization units. One good solution to this problem is establishing daytime hospitals. Therefore, this Research focuses on decreasing duration of hospitalization in General and private hospitals as well as Clinics and performing a contrastive study based on the model of Daytime hospitals. This Research is a descriptive-analysis study, which studies the specifications of statistical society as field study and analyzes the duration of staying in hospital exploiting the techniques of data collectives. The statistical societies included General, Day Clinics and private hospitals of Tabriz, which represent Adenotonsllectomy and Cataract services. Of this society one hospital was regarded as sample and after collection, the relevant data were included in SPSS Software. Considering the aim of research, in this study the Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used for Adenotonsllectomy and Cataract services in the level of descriptive statistics and the duration of patient`s hospitalization was compared regarding the abnormal data. Result of studies indicated that 52.9% of the patients were male and 47.1% were female, with average stay period of 1.60�0.929 in General Education Centers and 1.88�0.735, in private hospitals, 1.00�0.00 and 1.70�0.470 in Day Clinics for Adenotonsllectomy and Cataract. Based on Kruskal-Wallis test, the findings showed that in 3 groups (General, private and Day Clinics), Adenotonsllectomy and Cataract services are significant (p 0.005). The results of dual comparison using Mann-Whitney U Test indicated that the duration for Adenotonsllectomy and Cataract services were very different in General, private and Day Clinic centers such that this period is significantly less in private hospitals and Day Clinics (p 0.005). However, the duration of stay does not show a significant difference for this service in Day Clinics and private hospitals (p 0.005). However the same comparison for Cataract services showed that there were no significant difference between period of stay in General educational centers and private hospitals (p>0.005). But, the regarding the stay period for Cataract service, there are significant differences statistically between private hospitals and Day Clinics (p<0.005). According to the results, in order to reduce costs and to achieve effective treatment and better performance, establishment of Day Clinics is of great importance which in term will help to reduce the un necessary hospitalization period and lower side problems for patients and these bed circulation and data. Flow exchange will sped up and expectation time will be shorter, causing maximum lively hood and self-confidence of patients and falls hospitalization.

How to cite this article
H.G. Elaheh , M.S.A. Khosrow and N.M. Reza , 2008. Day Hospitals and Cost of Effective Treatment. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3: 901-905.

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