Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Response of the Physical-Chemical Solid Variables Irrigated with Wasterwater and Wells on Dairy Farms
M. Guadalupe Villarreal Rodriguez, Esperanza Herrera Torres, Evaristo Alvarez Mendoza and Manuel Murillo Ortiz

Abstract: The purpose of this research was to determined if the 227 ha used in the cultivated soils of the five different stables destined for the production of milk and specimens of the Holstein Friestan stock found in Guadiana valley in Durango are affected by the well waters used in irrigation and the residual waters of the automatic milking process. The variables of the study included: apparent density (Da), total Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg). The experimental period consisted of 3 consecutive days in each of the production units using the method of cutting for the recollection of the samples consisting of soil, for its future analysis in a lab. The obtained results were processed through the program of statistics (SAS) Version 8 with a module completely at random. Analyzing the results between each stable the variable measurements can be observed in the tables from 1 through 5. The variables found in the comparison between the five production units were: density, the stable with the highest amount was stable 2 and the stable with the least was the stable 1 with a difference between the stables of high significance; recorded in the table provided (p<0.05). Nitrogen was another element present in the stables with the highest number was the first stable and the one with the lowest was the third stable with a difference between stables of p<0.05. Phosphorous appeared in the stables with the highest measurements found in the fourth stable and the slightest was the first stable with a difference between stables of highly significant readings (p<0.05). Sodium in the stables appeared with the highest number in the first stable and the tiny amount in the third stable with a difference that was significant (p<0.05). In the meantime, the correlation showed the following results: the highest correlation (0.95715) appeared between the magnesium and the calcium which results in a significant number (p<0.01). A significant correlation (p<0.05) between the variales of total nitrogen and potassium with a value of 0.58496 appear in the findings.

How to cite this article
M. Guadalupe Villarreal Rodriguez, Esperanza Herrera Torres, Evaristo Alvarez Mendoza and Manuel Murillo Ortiz, 2012. Response of the Physical-Chemical Solid Variables Irrigated with Wasterwater and Wells on Dairy Farms. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 7: 200-203.

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