Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Cigarette Smoking Kinetic Model Reveals Profound Effects among Passive Smokers Compared with Cigarette Smokers
Ahed J. Alkhatib, Ahmad M. Boran, Mohd G. Sghaireen and Osama A. Alkouri

Abstract: Smoking is associated with various adverse health effects. Among the chemicals associated with smoking are carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin. The present study was conducted to investigate levels of carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin among a sample of Jordanian students at cafes in Irbid City, Jordan. Both carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin were measured before initiating smoking and after 1 h. The study included 236 participants of whom 102 passive smokers and 134 cigarette smokers. Carbon monoxide and carboxyhaemoglobin were measured in breathing by a device designed to measure both of carbon monoxide and carboxyhaemoglobin called carbon monoxide monitor (piCO+™ Smokerlyzer). Study findings showed that before initiating smoking, passive smokers had CO levels of 2.8 ppm and carboxyhemoglobin 2.9% while cigarette smokers had CO levels of 35.4 ppm and carboxyhemoglobin 35.7%. After 1 h of smoking, passive smokers had more increased levels of carbon monoxide 10.1 ppm and carboxyhemoglobin 9.6%. Among cigarette smokers after 1 h smoking, carbon monoxide levels became 38.2 ppm and carboxyhemoglobin 39%. Taken together, the results showed that carbon monoxide and blood carboxyhaemoglobin resulting from smoking exceed the normal levels into dangerous levels. Passive smokers are exposed to real smoking dangers and more affected by ambient smoking exposure than cigarette smokers.

How to cite this article
Ahed J. Alkhatib, Ahmad M. Boran, Mohd G. Sghaireen and Osama A. Alkouri, 2014. Cigarette Smoking Kinetic Model Reveals Profound Effects among Passive Smokers Compared with Cigarette Smokers. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 9: 216-219.

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