Research Journal of Medical Sciences

The Role of Dentist in the Distinguish of Child Abuse: A Case Report
C. Stavrianos, L. Zouloumis, E. Samara, D. Tatsis and A. Eliades

Abstract: When a child presents for examination particularly if there is any evidence of severe or repeated trauma involved, the history may alert the dentist to the possibility of a child abuse. Abuse may cause serious injury to the child and may even result in death. These behaviors are serious crimes, both as misdemeanors and felonies, punishable by arrest and imprisonment. Dentists should be aware that physical or sexual abuse may result in oral or dental injuries or conditions that sometimes can be confirmed by laboratory findings. When questions arise or when consultation is needed, a pediatric dentist or a dentist with formal training in forensic odontology can ensure appropriate testing, diagnosis and treatment. This case report aims to present a case of a physically abused child 12 years old. The examination revealed fracture of the left ocular area and as a result the adipose tissue all around the eyeball fall like a drop into the sinus. The CT scan of the facial skull was done so as to detect the consequences of the fracture. In conclusion, the ability to properly identify suspicious injuries to the head, face, mouth and neck of a child is imperative for dentists. Dentists are encouraged to be knowledgeable about such findings and their significance and to meticulously observe and document them.

How to cite this article
C. Stavrianos, L. Zouloumis, E. Samara, D. Tatsis and A. Eliades, 2010. The Role of Dentist in the Distinguish of Child Abuse: A Case Report. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 4: 285-287.

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