Research Journal of Medical Sciences

A Comparative Study of Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Physiological and Non-physiological Delivery in Nulliparous Women and their Infants, Admitted to Motazedi Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran in 2011-2012
Mojgan Khalili, Lida Menati, Sara Daeichin, Sara Sohylbeygi and Parvin Sharifipour

Abstract: Labor pain is arguably one of the most severe types of pain experienced by women. Use of pain relief medications might lead to various complications in both mothers and infants. As a result, use of non-pharmacological methods for pain relief during labor has gained increasing popularity over the past years. In this retrospective, analytical, cohort study, 397 nulliparous women, giving birth at Motazedi Hospital of Kermanshah were evaluated during 2011-2012. The subjects were categorized into two groups: physiological (n = 119) and non-physiological delivery (n = 287). A researcher-made questionnaire was applied for data collection. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 15 faculty members at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The required data including the early outcomes of delivery were extracted from mothers’ medical records. For data analysis, t-test, Levene’s test, Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square were performed using SPSS Version 16. Regarding maternal variables, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of prolonged labor, laceration, depth of laceration, rupture site, uterine inertia, shoulder dystocia, need for vacuum-assisted delivery (or cesarean section), postpartum anemia or episiotomy. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of prolonged second stage of labor, anemia before delivery and type of placental abruption. Despite our speculations, the results did not indicate a significant difference between the two groups regarding the majority of variables; however, the frequencies seemed to differ between the groups. In fact, if the number of samples was equal in the two groups, different results might have been obtained. The unequal number of samples between the groups is due to the fact that researchers only aimed to study childbirth in the specified years.

How to cite this article
Mojgan Khalili, Lida Menati, Sara Daeichin, Sara Sohylbeygi and Parvin Sharifipour, 2016. A Comparative Study of Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Physiological and Non-physiological Delivery in Nulliparous Women and their Infants, Admitted to Motazedi Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran in 2011-2012. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 10: 217-222.

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