Research Journal of Pharmacology

Investigation of the Effect of Moisture, Heat and Sunlight on Some Antibiotics Using Infra-Red Spectroscopy
A.C. Tella , G.O. Adediran and G.V. Awolola

Abstract: The infra-red spectroscopic studies have been done on antibiotic exposed to moisture, sunlight and heat. The degradation studies of antibiotics in solid states during exposure for 60 days to various environmental conditions have been studied. Ampicillin pure drugs exposed to temperature 70�C exhibited loss in potency and degradation as evidenced by disappearance of absorption band at 1785 cm-1 of the C = O (stretching) in the Beta-lactam ring. Appearance of new absorption band at 2926.2 cm-1 C-H stretching and 3700 cm-1 OH stretching showed evidence of hydrolysis when tetracycline was exposed to moisture. Chloramphenicol when exposed to sunlight, showed disappearance of absorption band at 3788.1 cm-1 O-H stretching, 2920 cm-1 C-H stretching and 2160 cm-1 C-X stretching.

How to cite this article
A.C. Tella , G.O. Adediran and G.V. Awolola , 2008. Investigation of the Effect of Moisture, Heat and Sunlight on Some Antibiotics Using Infra-Red Spectroscopy. Research Journal of Pharmacology, 2: 28-30.

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