The Social Sciences

Nanning Economy, Society and Culture
Songkoon Chantachon

Abstract: China?s economy has advanced dramatically. It has become an important world economic power by the development of Science, Technology and a Market Driven Economy. China has formed strategic partnerships with many countries and has aspirations to develop the City of Nanning in the Province of Guangxi to become the Gateway to Southeast Asian Nations. China is currently a member of the WTO and has steadily opened up trade negations to free trade agreement. In general exports from China are promoted, while imports are highly regulated. Complicated restrictions have caused imports from many nations such as imports from Thailand to be below target. Guangxi has many advantages in costs contributed by a large ethnic Zuang labor forces. Even though other nations are disadvantages but Guangxi and the capital city of Nanning still holds many promises to expand trade, commerce and the exchange of education and cultural treasures. The city of Nanning has many modern facilities and the infrastructure has been modernized to meet international standards. Thailand is a strategic partner in trade with China and the city of Khon Kaen in Northeast Thailand is a sister city with Nanning. The continued exchange of cultural programs and educational projects between Thailand and China has been successful and provided tourism income to both nations. Thailand?s dominant exports to China include Khoa Hom Mali, Natural rubber and Tapioca products. Thailand should continue to support the development of these exports along with the promotion of High grade handicrafts, Indigenous Knowledge craftsmanship and quality products.

How to cite this article
Songkoon Chantachon , 2009. Nanning Economy, Society and Culture. The Social Sciences, 4: 96-100.

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