The Social Sciences

The Place of Literature in the Teaching of English Language as a Second Language
S.O. Labo-Popoola

Abstract: From the inception of human history, language, defined as a system of communication by written or spoken words, which are used by the people of a particular country or area, remains a fundamental and common heritage of human society. It is, this language heritage that distinguishes human species from other living species. With the use of language for instance, human species have been able to make inventions, communicate ideas and spread such inventions and ideas from generation to generation. As importance as this human heritage is, it is a coat of many colours in many societies. In order words, within a language group, there could be much dialectical diversity. Therefore, there is hardly a nation or society, where just only one language is spoken. Instead, different languages, separate human societies and the human beings therein from one another. This does make it difficult for people belonging to different language groups to understand one another. Because of this, a second language that would unify all the people of different language groups is therefore necessary if people, who speak different languages must have a common understanding of ideas and have meaningful interactions in their day to day activities. Given the fact that second language is not one’s language, it has to be taught and learnt. The objective of this study therefore is to examine the place of literature in the teaching and learning processes of a second language.

How to cite this article
S.O. Labo-Popoola , 2010. The Place of Literature in the Teaching of English Language as a Second Language. The Social Sciences, 5: 49-54.

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