The Social Sciences

Morality: Truth and the Meaning of Life in Every Moment
Nafise Sate and Sayyed Hossain Vaezi

Abstract: Human life is moral, as much as individuals share the degree of existence. The main hypothesis of this research is that all the moments of life have a moral meaning and truth. The consequence of moral act and its attached decision depends to goodness or evilness of moral act. If their moral act of people is good, therefore they become good and achieve higher degree of existence. However if their moral act is evil, they make themselves bad and bring down the degree of their existence. In addition, people have to choose an option in all the moments of their life. The every choice and every act which it is freely chosen are a moral decision and act. The earlier mentioned hypothesis is based on these main principles: The existence is hierarchical and the creatures dignity is determined according to their closeness and separation to the origin and ultimatum of the existence, the dignity of the human is determined from the beginning of his creation but human can change the dignity in the ascending path toward the highest dignity. This dignity can be placed between a wide range of extreme beauty and goodness to the extreme evilness and inelegance, human is a free existent and being able to freely choose an act means the human being can choose his own identity and dignity. As result, if those made decisions and acts which chosen by the human being have following conditions, they will be morally good and lead individuals to the higher degree of existence. These conditions are: The nature of act should be considered as good act and the intention of person for doing this act should considered helping them to achieve perfection. Mutually, the lack of these two criteria make human being get farther from the absolute goodness and lead to less degree of existence.

How to cite this article
Nafise Sate and Sayyed Hossain Vaezi, 2014. Morality: Truth and the Meaning of Life in Every Moment. The Social Sciences, 9: 146-152.

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