The Social Sciences

Concept-Script “Sound”
Natalya V. Zimovets, Irina V. Borisovskaya, Natalya G. Philimonova, Elena V. Schemaeva and Aleksey A. Kolesnikov

Abstract: The study is devoted to the concept of “sound”. In the research, we proceeded from the fact that language is an expression of any concept, although linguistic values do not cover completely our understanding of the world. Sound processes fall within the typology of concepts in the type of scripts. In the German language describes a variety of verbalization of the concept. The study discusses the features of representation of the concept by the propozitive names, determines which mechanisms are involved in the process. The researchers suggested that to explore the concept sphere of a language, firstly to define a circle of events (event-names, propozitive names) that exist in the language and secondly, the words calling the event must be in a position of subject because thus a large part of the concept attributes detected, at least. The model of sentence “a noun in the nominative case-conjugated verb” has the meaning of characterization object, phenomenon, etc and a verb and a noun actants more refines their features. The study states that the concept script “sound” is a multi-component structure comprising a sound source, place of origin and distribution, observer who characterizes the sound process, the consequences caused by the sound and it’s disappearance. The concept of “sound” is expressed in language as verbal and substantive nouns.

How to cite this article
Natalya V. Zimovets, Irina V. Borisovskaya, Natalya G. Philimonova, Elena V. Schemaeva and Aleksey A. Kolesnikov, 2015. Concept-Script “Sound”. The Social Sciences, 10: 1092-1095.

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