The Social Sciences

Personal Dignity in the Ancient Philosophical-Legal Idea
Marina V. Markhgeim, Alevtina E. Novikova, Evgeniy E. Tonkov and Lubov A. Pozharova

Abstract: The study shows that dignity considered from the perspective of philosophy and law is not identical to the empirical cause-and-effect link of events and dictates a human the law that is not consistent with his material interests and practicability. This tradition originates from the high antiquity. According to the thinkers of antiquity, dignity was to a large extent contingent upon the social stratification characterized by the differentiated understanding of dignity with respect to particular social groups. At the Late Antiquity dignity in fact establishes the autonomy of an individual put into a privileged position. The specific procedure of bringing to liability persisting in Russia and granting a special legal status to particular categories of citizens is considered by the researcher of the study as following the archaic traditions of the social stratification which does not promote to development of democracy in the country.

How to cite this article
Marina V. Markhgeim, Alevtina E. Novikova, Evgeniy E. Tonkov and Lubov A. Pozharova, 2015. Personal Dignity in the Ancient Philosophical-Legal Idea. The Social Sciences, 10: 1273-1276.

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