The Social Sciences

The Analysis of the Microimage “Moon” in Outer Space in the Lyrics by N. Gumilyov Communicative and Stylistic Aspect
Irina V. Dobrycheva, Lubov A. Kholopova and Mikhail N. Bubin

Abstract: In the movement from symbolism to his own individual style N.S. Gumilyov fills micro-image of the moon with new micro-meanings, transforms it. The image of the moon is implicitly represented in the image of a virgin and as a siren, wound, flower, bracelet, shield. The moon glow, its movement across the sky are more traditional characteristics. However, basically, the moon is personified or embodied. The “moon” concept is associated with such micro-meanings as delusion, loneliness, magic, deception, mystery, madness, sorcery, poetry, creativity. Gumilyov being in the framework of an acmeism, refers to visible objects of reality brings together micro-images of space with images of the real world. In the last quarter of the past century, the veil which long time concealed from contemporaries wonderful lyrics of the remarkable Poet Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov was lifted, his creations have been actively studied, significant studies of his biography have appeared but only in several works his poetic model of the world, the uniqueness of his style has been reviewed. While the early Gumilyov’s verses are mainly symbolic in nature, mature Gumilyov’s poetry contains desire to regain the freshness and originality of the world, its vivid colors, visible and sustainable forms and to revive a taste for life. Especially, rich in Gumilyov’s creativity is a micro-image of the moon. This study presents an analysis of the “moon” micro-image in the context of communicative and stylistic aspects. Micro-image of the moon is one of the most suffused in the history of Russian and Foreign poetry. The moon is also the most frequently recurring micro-theme in the Gumilyov’s lyrics. The semantics of the moon image includes color, light, movement across the sky. This image as shown in the study, consumed in two hundred and twenty-eight texts about sixty three times. However, Gumilyov in this image creating is moving from the conventional symbolist stamps to his individual poetry. For example, the image of the moon he transformed from the image of the virgin into the image of the “moon-siren” which gives additional pragmatic effect. In this comparison, another artistic sign of the moon based on unique associative cultural links has been actualized because the sirens have a beautiful voice. Two of the most natural colors for the Gumilyov’s moon image consistent with the literature traditions gold and silver. To represent this micro-image such techniques as objective comparisons (5), metaphors (28), poetic transform inclusion (2). The research object of this research is the outer space. The basic method is the modeling of intertextual associative-semantic fields of the key words and concepts. Materials for our research are lyrical works by N.S. Gumilyov taken from books and collections of 1905-1921 as The Way of Conquistadors, Romantic flowers, The Pearls, The Alien Sky, The Quiver, The Tent, Porcelain pavilion, Bonfire, The Pillar of Fire; his collections The Poems and To a Blue Star and some selected poems that were not included in any collection. The result of this research is the relation between micro-meanings of the concept “moon”.

How to cite this article
Irina V. Dobrycheva, Lubov A. Kholopova and Mikhail N. Bubin, 2015. The Analysis of the Microimage “Moon” in Outer Space in the Lyrics by N. Gumilyov Communicative and Stylistic Aspect. The Social Sciences, 10: 1291-1297.

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