The Social Sciences

Linguistic Mechanism of Dialogue and the Subject Matter of Evidentiality: Palestine, We’re with You!
Sabrina Shikhalieva

Abstract: By unraveling the images of theonimic ideas the essence of national meanings can be described. The national meanings proposed, in this study, are arranged in the translator’s vocabulary and if we assume that the Bible is the ‘Living text’ then the energetics of the national ideas enriched with additional subject matters. Such story lines do not preserve the semantic accuracy; however, allow speaking of parceling (plotting). Within the frameworks of analysis of theonimic ideas the sacral subject can be distinguished. The key to presentation of the sacral plot is the dead metaphor of the Bible. A translator often finds out that by translating the vocabulary from the Russian into languages of the Caspian inhabitants, he needs to unpack the Greek invariants. And, if the plot of the national variant is supplemented with the Greek invariants then the dead metaphor of the Russian text fixes the meaning of evidentiality.

How to cite this article
Sabrina Shikhalieva , 2015. Linguistic Mechanism of Dialogue and the Subject Matter of Evidentiality: Palestine, We’re with You!. The Social Sciences, 10: 1343-1346.

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