The Social Sciences

Formation of the Communicative Competence in Students Future Pedagogues for Working with Gifted Pupils
Albina R. Abdrafikova, Rimma M. Akhmadullina and Iskander E. Yarmakeev

Abstract: The study considers the essence of the term ‘pedagogical communicative competence’, the necessity of formation thereof in the students, future pedagogues for working with gifted students is substantiated. The requirements to the pedagogical activity are updated with regard to the specific nature of the subject-subject relations between a teacher and students. The causes of crisis phenomena in formation of the pedagogical communicative competence are analyzed that are determined both by objective and subjective reasons. The requirements of the professional pedagogical activity standard to the pedagogical skills concerning organization of the educational process by working with gifted children are specified. The necessity of identification of the specific conditions of formation of pedagogical communicative competence for working with gifted pupils is substantiated. Trainings and business games with the case study elements as the key system-forming element in performance of the efficient and positive interaction between the communication participants are proposed as the main method of formation of communicative competence in students, future pedagogues. The study presents the detailed scenario of working with students during the training section with the list of tasks and exercises aimed at the development of the pedagogical communicative competence with focus on the gifted students.

How to cite this article
Albina R. Abdrafikova, Rimma M. Akhmadullina and Iskander E. Yarmakeev, 2015. Formation of the Communicative Competence in Students Future Pedagogues for Working with Gifted Pupils. The Social Sciences, 10: 1817-1821.

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