The Social Sciences

Three Faces of President Institution Development: Theoretical and Psychological Aspects
Anton S. Krasnov, Olga O. Volchkova and Guzel K. Saikina

Abstract: The study presents the analysis of transformation process concerning the forms of government in the European region states since the beginning of the XXth century. The tendency of the executive power role reinforcement is revealed in the process of political decision-making in countries with parliamentary and semi-presidential form of government. The term “president institution development” was determined and the conceptual differences of “president institution development” from the concepts of “presidential” and “presidentialism” are provided. Also the characteristics of the revealed process were studied. The key aspects of “president institution development” is the growth of resources and the autonomy of the executive power head, the increase of informal political leader pressure on the party, as well as the strengthening of a politician individual during the election campaign, that is, the centralization of the election process around a leader's personality. On the basis of political institution development experience in Europe over the past two decades, we created three dynamic models of presidential political systems, conventionally identified as: crisis, informal and constitutional one. A number of conclusions was made concerning the description of the essential characteristics of president institution development concept. Firstly, president institution development is a political process and it is revealed exclusively as a dynamic phenomenon that is realized in political practice. Secondly, president institution development is a complex multifactorial phenomenon, a combination of factors influences the development of the described process. The key factors are historical, cultural and economic one. Besides, the development of a presidential institution may act as an indicator of the crisis processes in the public administration system and in the “black box” as a whole.

How to cite this article
Anton S. Krasnov, Olga O. Volchkova and Guzel K. Saikina, 2015. Three Faces of President Institution Development: Theoretical and Psychological Aspects. The Social Sciences, 10: 1902-1905.

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