The Social Sciences

A Model of Second Language Learning by Means of Developing the Prognostic Component of Thinking
Evgeniya Olegovna Shishova

Abstract: The study discusses the development of students’ prognostic component of thinking in foreign language learning and the issue of bilingualism and multilingualism in multicultural education. The researcher suggests a model of foreign language learning based on the development of prognostic abilities by identifying its structural and processional characteristics. The model can be used in university education to improve the effectiveness of learning. According to the analysis of speech and thinking activities conducted in bilingual environment, successful foreign language learning of undergraduates depends on the level of the development of their thinking prognostic component. A comparison of prognostic abilities in students with different levels of foreign language skills demonstrates that errors of probabilistic prognosis in speech are manifested in the course of constructing speech utterances and may cause inadequacy of a communicative situation. A high level of communicative anticipation development involves the ability to understand and evaluate the behavior of other people, predict their utterances and be ready to respond multi-variably, choosing the most productive way of interaction. A comparative analysis shows that successful second language learning requires a high level of prognostic abilities.

How to cite this article
Evgeniya Olegovna Shishova , 2015. A Model of Second Language Learning by Means of Developing the Prognostic Component of Thinking. The Social Sciences, 10: 384-388.

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