The Social Sciences

Analysis of the Basic Properties of Linguistic Temporality
Aygul Raisovna Gilmutdinova and Aida Gumerovna Sadykova

Abstract: This study is devoted to revealing the nature of linguistic temporality. The interest in the subject of research is due to the ambiguity of the language phenomenon and the need to identify common characteristics of linguistic temporality as many researchers consider the temporality not as a complete system but as individual lexical, morphological, syntactic indicators. The identified properties of linguistic temporality (the orderliness of time, simultaneity/time difference, one-dimensionality/multi-dimensionality, duration) can serve as a basis for further research, both in lexical and grammatical planes.

How to cite this article
Aygul Raisovna Gilmutdinova and Aida Gumerovna Sadykova, 2015. Analysis of the Basic Properties of Linguistic Temporality. The Social Sciences, 10: 395-398.

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