The Social Sciences

Comparison of Personality Disorder in Infertile and Fertile Women
Sorour Moshavvegh

Abstract: Infertility is an important stressor in life and it is difficult to accept that. Many couples with recurrent and painful course of treatment are faced with a process without progress. Finally, infertile couples feel powerless to reach the goal that leads to psychological problems and emotional stressful experiences. The aim of this study was to compare personality disorders in fertile and infertile women referred to infertility clinics of Ahvaz. This is a cross-sectional comparative study. The 30 infertile women in infertility treatment clinics were selected by simple random sampling. The 30 fertile women were matched with the infertile women of sample 8 in terms of age, education, socioeconomic status. The required information were collected by the test Millon III with a demographic questionnaire. In this study, multivariate analysis of variance was considered as the significant level to analyze the data (p<0.05). The results showed that there is a significant correlation between infertile women and fertile women in the clinical patterns (avoidant, depressed, dependent, masochism, paranoid significant difference in clinical symptoms of anxiety, somatoform, depression, post-traumatic stress, major depression (p <0.05). According to the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in infertile women, it is needed to serious attention of specialists in the field of psychological treatments for this group of patients, especially supportive psychotherapy and psychological therapies should be considered in the context of infertility treatment.

How to cite this article
Sorour Moshavvegh , 2016. Comparison of Personality Disorder in Infertile and Fertile Women. The Social Sciences, 11: 2176-2179.

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