The Social Sciences

The Role of Information-Consulting Service in Efficiency Increasing of the Use of Limited Resources in the Agrarian Enterprises
G.K. Dambaulova, M.K. Baymyrzayeva, Zh.A. Utebayeva, L.A. Bimendiyeva and G.T. Seitova

Abstract: The existing problems in development of commercial budgeting and the role of information and consulting service in economic efficiency and stability of the enterprises are considered in the study. Budgeting assumes development of the plans-budgets allowing to predict indicators of activities of the entity both in long-term and in the short-term period. At the same time fixed coordination both current (short-term) and strategic (long-term) budgets is necessary. Budgeting has industry features. At the same time, it depends on a set of factors inherent in the specific organization. Therefore, the entity needs not just to choose often one of the existing budgeting models but also to adapt it for specifics of the organization.

How to cite this article
G.K. Dambaulova, M.K. Baymyrzayeva, Zh.A. Utebayeva, L.A. Bimendiyeva and G.T. Seitova, 2016. The Role of Information-Consulting Service in Efficiency Increasing of the Use of Limited Resources in the Agrarian Enterprises. The Social Sciences, 11: 2617-2620.

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