The Social Sciences

Contemporary Analysis of Social Consequences of Imprisonment Application in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Talgat K. Akimzhanov, Balgyn A. Torgautova, Tatyana I. Zinkevich, Victoria V. Lyutsik and Marina V. Chokina

Abstract: The study is considered the social consequences of imprisonment application as an independent type of punishment in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the reduction of which would allow to minimize the process of citizens� involvement to the sphere of criminal and legal relations and to lower a number of the “prison” population of the country. The problem of social consequences of punishment was a subject of independent research by scientists of the near and far abroad earlier; however, the Kazakhstani jurisprudence did not pay sufficient attention to these matters. The art of the law enforcement system is consisted in punishing the person who committed crime without resorting to the severest type of punishment as imprisonment.

How to cite this article
Talgat K. Akimzhanov, Balgyn A. Torgautova, Tatyana I. Zinkevich, Victoria V. Lyutsik and Marina V. Chokina, 2016. Contemporary Analysis of Social Consequences of Imprisonment Application in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Social Sciences, 11: 507-512.

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