The Social Sciences

Haji and Lebai from the Perspective of Master Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al-Mandili Al-Indonesi (1910-1965)
Ramli Awang, Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Kamaruzaman Yusoff and Berhanuddin Abdullah

Abstract: The Malay society has come to idolize individuals who have performed the fifth pillar of Islam which is performing Haj. This act of worship is seen as the apex to the Islamic beliefs and principles and thus, it is seen as an epitome of respect so much so that as they return from Mecca, they will unofficially be called ‘Tuan Haji’, ‘Bang Haji’ and ‘Hajjah’ for the women. Some even use these terms officially in their identity cards. Individuals in the community will highly regard them and their opinions and views will often be consulted as ‘point of reference’ in societal activities. They function as the leaders of the solat, lead in tahlil ceremonies, feasts, new-born babies tahniks and so on. In short, the title ‘haji’ in the tradition of the Malay thinking is very much linked with the Islamic teaching that mirrors pious personality and who thinks of the Hereafter. In one of his writings, Syeikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili titled his book as ‘Senjata Tok Haji dan Tok Lebai’ (The Weapons of the Hajis and Lebais). The content of this book is somewhat different from the title. It contains the prayers of solats, prayers after solat, prayers in feasts, the benefit of reading Yasin 41 times, talqin, the benefit of terawih and witir prayers, the Friday sermons, matrimonious sermons, 2nd Eid sermon also other recitals that have become commonplace in the society. This study seeks to analyse the views of Master Syeikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili in relation to his writing entitled to ‘Senjata Tok Haji dan Tok Lebai’. What is the concept of ‘weapon’ implied by the Tuan Guru possessed by the Hajis and Lebais and how did the concept and the function work in the societal life at the time?

How to cite this article
Ramli Awang, Mansoureh Ebrahimi, Kamaruzaman Yusoff and Berhanuddin Abdullah, 2016. Haji and Lebai from the Perspective of Master Syeikh Abdul Qadir Al-Mandili Al-Indonesi (1910-1965). The Social Sciences, 11: 5541-5545.

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