The Social Sciences

Premised Knowledge as a Basis of Formation of Profession-Oriented Creativeness of Modern Higher School Students
K.S. Aybatyrov, E.B. Ibragimov, Z.A. Isaev, N.A. Kulibekov, A.M. Magomedgadzhieva, B.D. Pashtaev and L.N. Kharchenko

Abstract: On the basis of the content analysis of source material-the scientific literature, normative documents, expert opinions, mass media-we have presented the theoretical arguments and generalizations which together make up an array of the premised knowledge, having worldview characteristics and allowing on this basis to create predictive models of the processes aimed at creating the conditions for formation of certain qualities of the person in the process of training. The premised knowledge array considered in this article is represented by three groups of preconditions to have emerged in the psychological and pedagogical sciences (the results of theoretical and experimental studies of general creativeness person in ontogeny are represented in Russian and foreign psychology, pedagogy and biology, the scientific bases of creative pedagogy and creative metapedagogy are developed) in the system of general and vocational education (modern current federal state educational standards of general and vocational education contain requirements, targeting the organization of educational process in schools and universities for development and formation of the creativity of pupils and profession-oriented creativeness of students) and emerging economics (research in the field of staffing of the economy, emerging at the stage of information society and post-industrial economy) and that allow to interpret the phenomenon of profession-oriented creativeness and, if necessary, to construct conditions of formation of this personal quality of the students the future specialists in the educational environment of modern higher school.

How to cite this article
K.S. Aybatyrov, E.B. Ibragimov, Z.A. Isaev, N.A. Kulibekov, A.M. Magomedgadzhieva, B.D. Pashtaev and L.N. Kharchenko, 2016. Premised Knowledge as a Basis of Formation of Profession-Oriented Creativeness of Modern Higher School Students. The Social Sciences, 11: 6527-6531.

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