The Social Sciences

Reduction in the Quality of Service in Education and Medicine: The Problem of Burnout Among Social Workers
Tatiana Kiseleva, Tatiana Ogorodova and Mergalyas Kashapov

Abstract: Researchers dealing with burnout associate it with reduced psychosomatics. Many scientists (B.E. Ashforth, D. van Dierendonck, C. Maslach, S.E. Jackson) report an increase in the quantity of employees with symptoms of burnout which can lead to depression and declining quality of service. The survey covered 128 teachers, social workers and doctors. We were searching for answers to the following questions which professions are most susceptible to burnout? What are the common and specific manifestations of burnout among specialists? It was found that 2/3 of respondents had either some symptoms or persistent manifestations of burnout; the majority of them were medical workers. The results of the study allowed us to draw conclusions and provide recommendations on prevention and treatment of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements. It is shown how responsibilities should be distributed among managers and employees in order to prevent burnout and decreased work efficiency.

How to cite this article
Tatiana Kiseleva, Tatiana Ogorodova and Mergalyas Kashapov, 2016. Reduction in the Quality of Service in Education and Medicine: The Problem of Burnout Among Social Workers. The Social Sciences, 11: 7123-7133.

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