The Social Sciences

Actuaries Waging Crime Against the Law and Penal Law
Ebrahim Ghodsi and Ebrahim Rahnamazadeh

Abstract: The crime took place in terms of its own based on the coordinates for the realization of the revolt as the Islamic Penal Code in Article 183 may also follow the juridical texts, there are two basic necessity: first, the elevation of the weapon combatant into material that is against crime and the other pillars of the existence of the intent to intimidate people who are ill to particular combatant. However, due to the hoarding behavior such as lack of important dossal not in the realm of mass revolt. After determining, the precise territory of the crime took turns to check the components of the material against the pillar of this elevation of the weapon to commit the acts of people. The concept is also the same concept of customary weapon, neither plastic toys nor wood, stone and reed.

How to cite this article
Ebrahim Ghodsi and Ebrahim Rahnamazadeh, 2016. Actuaries Waging Crime Against the Law and Penal Law. The Social Sciences, 11: 7366-7374.

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