The Social Sciences

The Root Causes of Terrorism (Sociological Perspective)
Rahmat and Seniwati

Abstract: This study focuses on the root causes of terrorism from the sociological perspective. The series of bomb in Indonesia since after the 9/11 2001 in New York until the sarinah mall 2016 in Jakarta show Indonesia needs to know the root causes of people in supporting the terrorist acts. For the aim of research is to describe and identify the process of individual to become a terrorist. The research method being used in this study is qualitative method namely library research. The sociology theory has perspectives to look why and how individuals become a terrorist from the social construction of fear or panic. This study focuses on the moral disengagement hypothesis. As the result from acts of anarchy and terror that has been perpetrated by several groups of muslims, there is a development of negative stigma about jihad and terror.

How to cite this article
Rahmat and Seniwati , 2016. The Root Causes of Terrorism (Sociological Perspective). The Social Sciences, 11: 7588-7591.

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