The Social Sciences

A Study of the Role and Influence of Mass Medias in the Cultural Diplomacy of France
Saemeh Baratali and Akram Ayati

Abstract: Present era is the era of media diplomacy. These days collective medias play an important role in international relations and are known as a mirror which reflect countries through showing communities’ culture and national identity and prepare the causes of foreign governments policy stability. Therefore, it is possible to consider group medias as efficient tools in order to realize the goals of foreign policy and reaching the national advantages of government which is the most important tool of cultural diplomacy. The main goal of this essay is to determine the important role and considerable effect of collective medias in progressing cultural diplomatic goals of France which was the first Western country that is committed to cultural diplomacy. Since French were the second European nation who accepted the democracy, at the beginning of the third millennium, media is still the fourth column of democracy for France which itself is the cradle of freedom of expression.

How to cite this article
Saemeh Baratali and Akram Ayati, 2016. A Study of the Role and Influence of Mass Medias in the Cultural Diplomacy of France. The Social Sciences, 11: 903-905.

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