The Social Sciences

The Influence of Modern Means of Mass Communication on the Upbringing and Education of Young School Children
Vesna Minic, Marija Jovanovic and Zvezdana Elezovic

Abstract: Modern means of mass communication are used in everyday life and have a significant role in directing the interests of young people, their upbringing and education. Informal means of education that are implemented mainly through the mass media play an important role because they affect its quality, i.e., efficient learning and its outcomes. The potential influence of media on young school children can be good and bad-depending on how it is used. Today audio-visual media, i.e., multimedia where almost everything is accessible are dominant thus, out of an enormous number of data addressed to various age groups, it is necessary to carefully choose contents that a child will watch, listen or read. Radio, television and other electronic media have enabled fast and efficient transfer of information and the publication of any content, interesting for certain population groups. The internet has brought together the features and capabilities of the media and given man the access to an incredible amount of information whereby the communication process is improved and people from all over the world participate in it. The popularity of this topic is reflected in the fact that the media are an integral part of human life that they permeate all its activities and affect its quality directly or indirectly. Their increasing presence and influence on young school children, both positive and negative effects on their development are the subject of this study.

How to cite this article
Vesna Minic, Marija Jovanovic and Zvezdana Elezovic, 2017. The Influence of Modern Means of Mass Communication on the Upbringing and Education of Young School Children. The Social Sciences, 12: 1394-1400.

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