The Social Sciences

The Capacity to Think Critical Students to the Matter Environmental Management with the Approach Skill the Process of Science Junior High School (SMPN) 14 Ambon
Muhammad Rijal, Idrus Sere, Janaba Renngiwur and Haryati Sutia

Abstract: Data analyzed a sort of descriptive set and inferential (using statistic test independent sample t-test with the program SPSS 20), the first significance hypothesis used α = 0.05. The research results show activity learn model STAD with the approach KPS be in the active; activity learn model STAD with the approach CTL be in the quite active; capability of think critically model STAD with the approach KPS be in the high; capability of think critically model STAD with the approach CTL in the being; there is a difference in significant activity learn model STAD with the approach KPS and models STAD with the approach CTL and there is a difference in the capacity think critically model STAD with the approach KPS and models STAD with the approach CTL students in SMPN 14 Ambon.

How to cite this article
Muhammad Rijal, Idrus Sere, Janaba Renngiwur and Haryati Sutia, 2017. The Capacity to Think Critical Students to the Matter Environmental Management with the Approach Skill the Process of Science Junior High School (SMPN) 14 Ambon. The Social Sciences, 12: 1860-1864.

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