The Social Sciences

Detik-Detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan: Special Moments Road to Indonesian Independence Day (A Study on Mini Drama Implementation in Character Education for Senior High School)
Parji , Fida Chasanatun and Arsi Nuring Karsa

Abstract: Drama managed to make students interact actively and enthusiastically in citizenship education. It is certainly easier for the teacher of MAN 2 Madiun to make students understand the lesson easily. Students no longer feel bored with the process of learning that takes place. They are easy considering the figures in history who played in the drama without having to memorize one by one because they only have to remember their friend’s name who plays the character in the script and they immediately recall the name of a character in the drama. No students were passive in the drama. The students also able to learn directly the character of the figures in the Detik-detik Proklamasi event. This build the student’s character slowly as they ever felt directly the feeling of become a heroes for their nation. The test results also showed a pretty good improvement. There is an increase in the number of students who answered questions correctly compared the test results before treatment. Questionnaire results and observations also showed improved understanding, liveliness and motivation in learning process. Interviews showed the difficulties experienced by students in cycle 1 is no longer experienced in cycle 2 with a few changes made in cycle 2.

How to cite this article
Parji , Fida Chasanatun and Arsi Nuring Karsa, 2017. Detik-Detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan: Special Moments Road to Indonesian Independence Day (A Study on Mini Drama Implementation in Character Education for Senior High School). The Social Sciences, 12: 236-240.

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