The Social Sciences

Indigenous Knowledge in Preserving Cirebon Old Manuscripts Collection
Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim

Abstract: Cirebon old manuscripts collection, representing identity of our cultural heritage is one example of Indonesia’s national wealth which has not been kept in one adequate holding or institution such as library, archive or even museum in the region. Since the location and owner of manuscripts are scattered, thus, it is assumed that they underwent a various kind of treatment adjusting towards the value and meaning of the owner. Attention that had been practiced in the tacit knowledge of the owners in preserving their existing condition, is understood to reflect the mind set of the owner. Thus it is worth to reveal this Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in preserving Cirebon old manuscripts. The purpose of this study is to identify IK methods in preserving Cirebon old manuscripts. in order to gain in depth understanding of the owner’s point of view in preserving these manuscripts. This research was carried out using qualitative approach and analyzing it by referring to its value and meaning of the owner. Result shows that IK used in preserving Cirebon old manuscripts proof to be useful and could prevent from loss that had been practiced for years by the community. Giving value and meaning to the manuscripts, proof to enhance beneficial sustainability for their long term preservation. This study provide solution to the problem preserving manuscripts for other community.

How to cite this article
Tamara Adriani Susetyo-Salim , 2017. Indigenous Knowledge in Preserving Cirebon Old Manuscripts Collection. The Social Sciences, 12: 96-103.

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