The Social Sciences

Achievement Motivation of Basketball Athletes in Biru Utama Clubs in Payakumbuh
Kamal Firdaus

Abstract: For 5 years, Biru Utama Club had been always awarded as the finalist in every basketball championship held in Kota Bukittinggi. Last year, however, this club did not make any achievements. The problem of the research was the decline of the achievement achieved by Biru Utama Club. This study is intended to determine the achievement motivation of basketball athletes in Biru Utama Club in Payakumbuh. This research is classified into descriptive study which seeks to reveal the achievement motivation of basketball athletes in Biru Utama Club in Payakumbuh. The population of the research was basketball athletes in Biru Utama Club that consisted of 20 people. By using total sampling, all of the athletes were taken as the sample of the research. The data were obtained by administering questionnaire to the sample. The data collected were analyzed by using frequency distribution technique and considering the value of P = F/N×100%. Based on the responses given by the respondents, it is revealed that the average score of the achievement motivation of Biru Utama Club athletes is 18.9 (67.5%/good) in which their intrinsic motivation is 9.25 (66.07) and their extrinsic motivation is 9.65 (68.93%/good). Hence, the achievement motivation of basketball athletes in Biru Utama Club in Payakumbuh is in good category.

How to cite this article
Kamal Firdaus , 2018. Achievement Motivation of Basketball Athletes in Biru Utama Clubs in Payakumbuh. The Social Sciences, 13: 1145-1147.

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