The Social Sciences

The Role of Law Politics on Creating Good Governance and Clean Governance for a Free-Corruption Indonesia in 2030
Wahyu Widodo, Sapto Budoyo and Toebagus Galang Windi Pratama

Abstract: Corruption in Indonesia is a disease that must be eradicated as Indonesia in 2020 will reach 271 million inhabitants and in 2030 estimated there will be an increased chance of state revenue to 1.8 trillion dollars from many sector such as services, agriculture, fisheries, resources and educational that needs at least 113 million workers ready-made to work that means Indonesia should already prepare a clean government (clean governance) by 2030 to be able to compete well with other countries. This study uses normative juridical (legal normative research) is the study of the principles of law. The study concluded that: the political role of law in realizing the good governance and clean governance towards Indonesia that clean from corruption in 2030, law politics serves as a means of government in regulating a variety of things including creating the conditions in which the legal position dominate the other aspects including the condition running of the government clean encourage good development for the purpose of the state. Law initially considered as a political product can in fact be transformed as a force that raises government system improvements to better direction. Efforts to do to eradicate political corruption with the law in realizing the good governance and clean governance towards Indonesia clean of corruption in 2030, namely such as the harmonization of legislation, so that, the division of tasks and powers of law enforcement officers can be done well coordinated, completion and the renewal of legislation that is progressive.

How to cite this article
Wahyu Widodo, Sapto Budoyo and Toebagus Galang Windi Pratama, 2018. The Role of Law Politics on Creating Good Governance and Clean Governance for a Free-Corruption Indonesia in 2030. The Social Sciences, 13: 1307-1311.

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