The Social Sciences

When it Comes to the Changing Times in the Financial and Educational Systems, People are Making the Same Fundamental Mistakes
Arthur L. Dryver

Abstract: The traditional education and financial systems were once perceived guarantees for obtaining and securing wealth. Currency used to be backed by gold, a physical asset and a degree almost guaranteed a better paying job, representing an education and relevant skills. Now, the US dollar is not backed by gold and whether or not a higher degree has a positive return on investment is highly debatable. Yet, many are still focusing on accumulating dollars and degrees as opposed to focusing on accumulating assets, education and skills which is where the true values lie. Once people take responsibility for these value judgments, both these systems will change for the better.

How to cite this article
Arthur L. Dryver , 2018. When it Comes to the Changing Times in the Financial and Educational Systems, People are Making the Same Fundamental Mistakes. The Social Sciences, 13: 150-153.

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