The Social Sciences

University Webometrics Ranking using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: Entropy and TOPSIS Method
Handaru Jati

Abstract: For many academic institutions, among which are the universities the web has become an interesting tool. This web presence of academic institutions has led the researcher, academic and scientific publication in this environment to use this web to reflect their activities. This study explores the webometrics ranking for world universities. The webometrics for world universities were calculated by using two quantitative techniques in Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) which are Entropy method and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). This calculation was made based on four key indices: size, the visibility of the website, rich content size which is the volume of published information and scholar. The basic principle of the TOPSIS method is that the chosen alternative should have the "shortest distance" from the ideal solution and the "farthest distance" from the "negative-ideal" solution. For the case studies investigated the entropy and TOPSIS technique is effective and simple in terms of computational implementation. Its advantages is that the algorithm does not require tuning any parameters. These models efficiently help evaluators to determine with a strategic view for future developments and more aspect by using multicriteria decision analysis. It concludes by acknowledging that webometrics ranking systems are viewed differently by different stakeholders and hence can be approached in different ways.

How to cite this article
Handaru Jati , 2018. University Webometrics Ranking using Multicriteria Decision Analysis: Entropy and TOPSIS Method. The Social Sciences, 13: 763-765.

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