The Social Sciences

Proactive Aggression in Middle School Students
Karim Fakhry, Helal and Bouchra Hussein Aboud

Abstract: That life and societies in a steady change because of the movement and the pace of scientific progress rapid would change the nature of the individual’s thinking and trends and values and beliefs and deal with others and this would be a bit of psychological conflicts, especially, among adolescents because they are the most vulnerable segments of society. They can be directed towards a goal without requiring the individual to show his anger and can be directed towards possession of objects or directed to control individuals. Pre-emptive aggression is linked to quarrels, attacks and harmful actions to achieve. The goal of trying to achieve or be oriented towards a peer to increase social status.

How to cite this article
Karim Fakhry, Helal and Bouchra Hussein Aboud, 2020. Proactive Aggression in Middle School Students. The Social Sciences, 15: 38-44.

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