Asian Journal of Information Technology

Assessment of Knowledge of Primary School Teacher’s about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Basra City
Kadhim Jawad Al Madwah, Abdul Kareem A. Qasim, Sajjad S. Issa and Abdul Ameer Al-Mussawi

Abstract: Teachers can play a key role in identifying and supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In order to achieve this role, it is vital for teachers to have obvious knowledge about this disorder. Aim: the study was identified teacher’s knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among primary school children. A descriptive analytic design was used. Setting; this study was conducted at primary schools in Basra Governorate center. Random Sample consisted of 200 teachers from primary schools were included. A questionnaire is developed as a tool for data collection. The main results of study reported that (83.5%) of teachers. Had not received training courses during experience years about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Also, there was (50.5%) of teachers had poor knowledge compared to only (13.5%) had good knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

How to cite this article
Kadhim Jawad Al Madwah, Abdul Kareem A. Qasim, Sajjad S. Issa and Abdul Ameer Al-Mussawi, 2020. Assessment of Knowledge of Primary School Teacher’s about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Basra City. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 19: 66-69.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the greatest common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood and can affect the academic achievement, well-being and social interactions of children[1].

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition (DSM-5) defines ADHD as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development as characterized by six or more symptoms from either or both the inattention group of criteria and the hyperactivity and impulsivity criteria. The symptoms presenting in two or more settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities) and the symptoms have persisted for at least 6 month to a degree that is inconsistent with developmental level and adversely effects directly on social, academic or occupational functioning. Several symptoms must have been present before age 12 years[1, 2].

Moreover, ADHD has a significant influence on society due to its financial cost, the stress it places on teachers and parents alike, the adverse academic and occupational outcomes. The disorder results in impairments in the individual’s key life activities, including social relations, family and vocational functioning, self-sufficiency and adherence to social regulations[3].

Important of the study: Primary school age children are an important period of life. Assessing teachers knowledge of ADHD, identifying areas strength, weaknesses, inaccurate beliefs and exploring possible links to teachers characteristics could notify and improve future policies and interventions aimed at understanding, assisting and supporting children with ADHD and their teachers.

Goals of the study: To know the knowledge level of primary school teachers about (ADHD). To find is there a relationship between the knowledge levels of primary school teacher’s about ADHD and their socio-demographic characteristics. To find is there a relationship between the knowledge level of primary school teachers and their experiences about (ADHD).


Design of the study: Descriptive study was conducted about teacher’s knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder during the period (20 October/2017 to 15 April/2018).

Administrative arrangement: Prior to actual collection of data, formal administrative approval is obtained to conduct the study from the Basra Education Directorate/Department of Educational Planning.

Setting of the study: The study was carried out in primary schools in Basra governorate center.

Sample of the study: There are 392 primary schools in Basra center consist (7984) teachers 996 males and 6988 females . We were chosen randomly 20 schools from total number schools and 10 teachers from each school were chosen randomly. Samples were randomly collected from primary schools in Basra center consisted of 200 teachers.

Instrument of the study: For purpose of the study questionnaire format, is designed and constructed after reviewing related literatures and previous studies by researchers depending on: Used Knowledge of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Scale (KADDS) with modified. The questionnaire consists of 20 items which include three parts:

•  General information about the nature, causes and outcome of ADHD

Statistical data analysis: Analysis was made by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 16) data was expressed in (frequency and percentage). Correlations were used to examine the association between different variables. Likert scale was used to make the scoring. The scoring was graded as follows:

•  <50% poor
50-75% fair
>75% good


Table 1 showed that 13.5% of the study samples were males and 86.5% were females. Regarding the age groups 10.5% were from 20 -29 years old, 33% were from 30-39 years old 36% were from 40-49 years old and 20.5% were from 50 years and above.

Regarding the education levels, 76% were having Diploma in education sciences and 24% were having Bachelor in education sciences.

Regarding years of employment, 16.5% were having 1-5 years, 14% were having 6-10 years, 15% were having 11-15 years, 24.5% were having 16-20 years and 30% were having <20 years regarding courses in ADHD, 16.5% had an ADHD course while 83.5% had no course in ADHD, also 65 % had an experience in ADHD and 35% did not have (Table 2 and 3).

Teachers with low information about ADHD and Inexperience in working with ADHD children may be at Increased risk for higher stress and burnout, especially in Low-resourced and loaded schools[4].

Table 1:Distribution of socio-demographic data of primary school teachers (n = 200)

Table 2:The 50.5% had poor scoring, 36% had fair scoring and 13.5% had good scoring

Table 3:Pearson correlation test

Teachers play an important part in the identification, diagnosis and Intervention of ADHD, it is vital for teachers to have Strong knowledge about it[6].

The aim of this study was to identify teacher’s knowledge about ADHD among Primary school children. The result of the study revealed that 86.5% of the participants were female, the majority of them 36% at age (40-49) years ago regarding education (76%) had diploma degree concerning years of teaching experience (30%) of them had (<20) years, regarding receive training courses about ADHD during college (83.5%) didn’t have training courses about ADHD, regarding experience with student had ADHD (65%) had experience with student had ADHD.

Primary school teacher’s knowledge about (ADHD) was examined concerning three areas: general information, symptoms and diagnosis and treatment of (ADHD). The finding of the current study about responses of the knowledge of (ADHD) scale questionnaire were interpreted as follows, good levels of total knowledge of teachers about ADHD was 13.5%, fair levels of total knowledge was 36% and poor levels of total knowledge was 50.5%.

Who studied primary school teachers knowledge of ADHD in Beni-Suef govern orate in Egypt he showed that about 43%forty three per cent of responses were answered correctly which reflect poor of knowledge about ADHD among primary school teachers in Egypt.

They found that about (45%forty five per cent) were answered correctly which reflect poor of knowledge about ADHD among primary school teachers in South African.While not agree with the results of studies.

The following studies where teachers were most knowledgeable about ADHD in other studies identified in Egypt by Shaaban[5] he revealed that three fourths of elementary teachers in Egyptian international schools in Helwan have high level of knowledge about ADHD.

Additionally, Alessandra et al.[6] they found that, more than seventy per cent of Italian teachers responses were answered correctly which reflect high level of knowledge about ADHD the differences teachers average knowledge of ADHD between the present study and previous studies may be attributable to cultural differences in the populations being studied, presence of awareness program in these places and methodological differences among the studies such as sample size, sampling method, demographic characteristics of participants and instruments used.

Concerning relationship between total teachers knowledge regard ADHD and socio-demographic the current study showed that there was no relationship between teachers gender and score of total teachers knowledge about ADHD this result was supported by Suleiman[7] who showed that there was no significant impact of teachers gender on total ADHD knowledge.

Regarding relationship between score of total teachers knowledge about ADHD and their age this present finding revealed that there was no significant relationship between score of total teacher’s knowledge about ADHD and their age. This result consistent with[8, 9]. Relationship between score of total teachers knowledge about ADHD and their level of education the present finding revealed that there was significant relationship between score of total teacher’s knowledge about ADHD and their level of education.

This result consistent with Hasan and Tripathi[10]. Regarding relationship between score of total knowledge of ADHD and teaching experience years. The current study revealed that there was no significant relationship between teacher’s total knowledge of ADHD and teaching experience years. This result was consistent with[9, 11]. Which has confirmed a lack of association between total teacher’s knowledge about ADHD and teaching experience years.


Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that: There was (50.5%) of the studied Primary school teachers had poor total knowledge about ADHD compared to only (13.5%) of teachers had good knowledge. There was no significant relationship between score of total teacher’s knowledge about ADHD and their age, years of teaching experience and receiving training courses, experience with students had ADHD during college. There was statistically significant relation between score of total teacher’s knowledge about ADHDand education level in ADHD.


In light of which resulted in his study can provide recommendations the following; Embed programs preparation of the teacher’s knowledge and theoretical and practical modern for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Provide training programs suitable for teachers during the service for disorder. Must manager’s schools assessment of the capacity of their teachers with respect to teach children with special needs to provide support to the right for them to raise their efficiency. Enhance teachers, parents and community awareness about ADHDt hrough mass media. The nurse, family and teachers should be cooperate to detect what exact problems are facing child with ADHD and give proper intervention. Further research will be conduct to detect the effect of a training program for teachers to improve their knowledge about ADHD. Enhance future policies and interventions aimed at understanding, assisting and supporting children with ADHD and their teachers.

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