Research Journal of Medical Sciences

Year: 2015
Volume: 9
Issue: 6
Page No. 296 - 309

Role of Nursing Care in Healing Gangrenous Wounds in Dibetic Patients in Indonesia

Authors : Megawati , Harun Al Rasyid, Finasim , Darwin Dalimunthe and M.P.H. Wirsal Hasan

Abstract: Based on the initial survey, it was known that the number diabetic patients with gangrene at Dr. Pirngadi General Hospital Medan in the last 5 years were as many as 236 patients and the diabetic cases increase annually. Gangrenous wound healing can be affected by diet, physical exercise, wound care, insulin administration, psychological and social factors. The study analyzed the effect of diet, physical exercise, wound care, insulin administration as well as psychological and social factors, to KGD wound healing, wound size and time decreases. The study was a quasi-experimental design (quasi experiment), under the design of the separate pretest-posttest-sample control group design, involving two groups: the intervention group and the control group. Nursing care has a significant role to gangrenous wound healing in diabetic patients at Dr. Pirngadi General Hospital Medan. This is indicated by the role or influence of the sixth variables of nursing care consisting of diet, physical exercise, wound care, insulin administration, psychological factors, social factors and wound healing with the value of the odds ratio >1. Based on the multivariate analysis, the value of the role of nursing care to the gangrenous wound healing in diabetic patients is at 0410×100% = 41.0%. Gangrenous wound nursing care in patients with diabetes mellitus showed a significant effect with a significance value of 0.001, less than the sig-α (0.05). This means that the six independent variables simultaneously bring significant influence on the dependent variable (gangrenous wound healing). It is recommended that further studies improve nursing care services on gangrenous wound healing in diabetic patients, especially with the provision of better diet and exercise facilities so gangrenous wound healing in diabetic patients can be improved.

How to cite this article:

Megawati , Harun Al Rasyid, Finasim , Darwin Dalimunthe and M.P.H. Wirsal Hasan, 2015. Role of Nursing Care in Healing Gangrenous Wounds in Dibetic Patients in Indonesia. Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 9: 296-309.

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