Surgery Journal

Year: 2006
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Page No. 60 - 64

Clinical Findings and Blood Parameters in Extrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt in Dogs

Authors : Nusret Apaydin , Kamuran Pamuk and A. Perran Gokce

Abstract: This study was performed to evaluate the clinical findings, haematological and biochemical changes in experimentally induced extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs. Six, different aged, weighing 20-25 kg, cross-bred dogs from both sexes were used in the study. Before the operation, the dogs were premedicated with 0.04 mg kg-1 of atropine sulphate and 2 mg kg-1 of xylazine hydrochloride (Rompun, 23.32 mg mL-1, Bayer) then anaesthesia was induced with 15 mg kg-1 of ketamine hydrochloride (Ketalar 50 mg mL-1, Eczac ba ). A 4-6 cm graft obtained from the V. jugularis was anastomosed between the V. cava caudalis and the V. porta with a 7/0 propylene suture. The dogs were observed for 3 months. Blood samples were collected for blood count and serum ALT, AST, ALP, BUN and SBA at preoperation and in 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of postoperation as well as 1 month after the ligature of the shunts. In the clinical examinations, poor coat, depression, weight loss and holding the head down were observed; microcytic anaemia was determined and ALT, AST, ALP activities and SBA concentration increased while BUN concentration decreased. The biochemical parameters except SBA were returned to the preoperative values. In conclusion, further and detailed studies are necessary to apply this study to practice.

How to cite this article:

Nusret Apaydin , Kamuran Pamuk and A. Perran Gokce , 2006. Clinical Findings and Blood Parameters in Extrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt in Dogs. Surgery Journal, 1: 60-64.

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