Agricultural Journal

Effects of Different Plant Extracts in the Control of Yam Rot Induced by Rhizopus stolonifer on Stored Yam ( Dioscorea Sp.). in Yola, Adamawa State Nigeria
Hycenth Nahunnaro

Abstract: This study on the effects of plant extracts on the control of fungal rot of stored yam (Dioscorea sp.) due to Rhizopus stolonifer was carried out in the Laboratory of the Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Federal University of Technology Yola. The objectives of the experiment were to identify the most prevalent fungus associated with yam rots, determine the effects of different plant extracts on the growth of such fungus and to identify the most effective plant exract in the control of yam rots induced by the fungus. The treatments were plantain ash, neem seed oil, bitter leave extract palm oil and a control, which were laid in a Completely Randomized Deseign (CRD). The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using Fisher�s Least Significant Difference (LSD). The result showed that the most prevalent fungus associated with yam rots in the study area was Rhizopus stolonifer. The result further indicated that plantain ash gave the best control with regards to the number of spotted growth at 16 Days After Inoculation (DAI). Similarly, plantain ash also recorded the lowest growth diameter of 5.5 cm at 16 DAI followed by palm oil (5.73 cm) and bitter leave extract (5.75 cm). It was further observed that palm oil recorded the lowest weight loss of 9% followed by plantain ash and neem seed oil at 16 DAI. This study revealed that the application of plantain and palm oil particularly on bruised yam tubers could assist in prolonging the shelf life and reduced rots due to Rhizopus stolonifer and other related rots agents.

How to cite this article
Hycenth Nahunnaro , 2008. Effects of Different Plant Extracts in the Control of Yam Rot Induced by Rhizopus stolonifer on Stored Yam ( Dioscorea Sp.). in Yola, Adamawa State Nigeria. Agricultural Journal, 3: 382-387.

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